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Age Before Beauty

A picture of the Age before Beauty cocktail.


1 1/2 oz Cathedral Ledge Aquavit

3/4 oz Citrus Cordial*

3 oz Seltzer

Orange slice for garnish


In a tall glass filled with ice, add Cathedral Ledge Aquavit, citrus cordial, and seltzer. Garnish with star anise.

*How to make Citrus Cordial

In a bowl, mix together 1/2 cup fresh lemon juice, 1/2 cup fresh orange juice, and 1/2 cup fine sugar until the sugar dissolves. Add peels and cover container. Steep for 1-2 days. 


Strain before use. Keep refrigerated up to a week. 


For a quicker version, add 1/4 oz lemon juice, 1/4 oz orange juice, and 1/4 oz of superfine sugar to a glass. Stir together until sugar is fully dissolved. Add ice, Cathedral Ledge Aquavit, and seltzer. Garnish with orange slice or star anise. 

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